
The Eston Show

The Eston Show

The Eston Show

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General Regulations

Exhibition Information

General Regulations

  1. Please notify the relevant convenor if you would like to enter any of the competitive categories:
    · Photography: Chelsea Wilson 071 042 8036 / Wilson.chelsea693@gmail.com
    · Floral Art: Olivia Smith 082 905 0440/ brazil_003@yahoo.com
  2. The closing date for entry forms will be 16h00 on Monday 25th August 2025.
  3. Exhibits must be staged as detailed in each section.
  4. Late exhibits will not be accepted.
  5. Entry Fee:
    Photography               R5.00 per photo
  6. While Judging takes place, exhibitors are to leave all exhibition areas.
  7. Points awarded for Photography and Floral Art:
    Special Prize                6 points
    1st Prize                        4 points
    2nd Prize                       2 points
    Highly Commended   1 point
    No single entry may receive both a special prize and a 1st prize.
  8. The committee does not hold itself responsible for any loss or damage.
  9. No article previously exhibited on this show can be shown again.
  10. Entries are limited to 3 per person per class, except for photography you may enter 5 photographs per category.
  11. The Committee reserves the right to admission.
  12. Sections are to be entered as individuals only.
  13. Trophies will only be awarded if a minimum of 10 points is received in each section.
  14. Exhibitors will be held responsible for their own exhibits, which will be released by the stewards at 16h00 on Sunday 31st August 2025.
  15. All trophies will remain with the Show Committee.
  16. Trophies presented during prize giving are to be returned immediately after the presentation ceremony.