Good Evening ladies and gentlemen
It is with great pride and privilege that I can stand and welcome you all to the 70th Eston show.
A little later this evening we will be reminiscing about just a few of the memories of the show over the years. From the beginning days, the tough days the good days and all the days in between. I am sure the many generations before us, the ones who started the Eston show, would be very proud of the continuity of the show. Although the format has changed over the years – this community event is still one of the most prestigious events not only for the community itself, but the whole of KZN. Who knows maybe one day, it will be in the national calendar.
On that note, we thank the previous generations for putting in all the effort to keep the show going.
I would like to thank BEFA, for allowing and encouraging the show to continue year on year. To Robyn and your committee thank-you for having our backs throughout the planning of this weekend. You’ve encouraged and guided us every step of the way, we are grateful for your support.
To our Main sponsors – Nedbank and Farmers Agri-care. Thank-you for your coming on board yet again to support this community event. Without your sponsorship this event would not be where it is today. I would also like to thank say a huge thank-you to TWK for coming on board in a great way this year, it is not easy to get new sponsorship for events. Bennie and your team – thank-you. To Lincoln Haven, Insingizi, Southern Natal Lubricants, Finningley, Mascor, Kynoch and RPO. Thank-you too for your valued contributions. Without sponsors like these – the Show would not be as successful as it is today. Please take a moment throughout this weekend to have a look at our sponsor boards – there are many more who have contributed to this show – and we are grateful to each and every one of them. I would like to point out one huge sponsor towards this evening – Muirheads Hiring and Hamblins catering. Sherree and Renzo – I cannot thank-you enough for ALL, and I mean ALL, you and your teams have done to make this evening as wonderful as it is, Muirheads have sponsored Majority of this evenings Décor and set-up. It looks stunning – thank-you Sherree. And to Renzo – thank-you for being so accommodating with the forever changing numbers for this evening. Almost double the number we had originally planned to work with.
A big thank-you, must go to our show committee. For the many hours of planning, phone calls, emails, bookings, back and forth’s and all the behind the scenes work that has gone into this weekend. THANK YOU. Finally the weekend is here.
I would like to thank every person in this community, for all that they have done and will contribute to this weekend. We all know that for an event like this to be successful, we need many team members to play their part. We have that in this community, you all play your part in the success of the Show, and in turn the success of all the fundraising which is needed for many entities of the community to survive. I encourage you to take a moment sometime during the weekend – to stand back and appreciate all that we have in our community, appreciate all the efforts put in by everyone of you, as well as the contributors of the past 70 years.
As we all enjoy the many festivities and days ahead, may we all remember why the show started and what it is all about. I believe the show is here for us to come together as a community and celebrate all that we stand for, to invite our neighbours and fellow farmers to our district and give a platform for our local businesses and fantastic range of suppliers to showcase their products and interact in a social and wonderful environment.
Enjoy your evening and weekend ahead.
Jenna Higgs